by Rena Fish
Merrillville, Indiana
After trying unsuccessfully to get any of the Serbian people who lived in my bus route area to ride the bus to church, I was finally able (after falling to my knees and begging) to convince one mom to allow her six-year-old son to come to Sunday school.
This little Serbian boy was named Dragon. He came every week of the fall program after being saved the very first Sunday. One Sunday afternoon, Dragon asked me several sweet, childlike questions about what Heaven was like. It was real to him.

“The Man Who Made the Difference-Women Whose Lives Were Touched by Jesus” a Bible study $5 (Click the image for more information.)
Each Sunday as Dragon hurried to the bus, his three-year-old brother Duchon would peer out of the window, looking longingly at the Sunday school bus.
The last week of the fall program, Dragon was not on the bus. Another rider told me that Dragon’s little brother Duchon had been run over and killed by a car the preceding day.
I never saw Dragon again. The following week I tried to talk to his mother but was shielded from her by a concerned relative. The house was flooded with candlelight, and everyone was dressed in black. The relative told me that Dragon had told his mother not to worry because Duchon was in Heaven. He has also said, “I’ll be in Heaven with Duchon someday!”
Heaven was made even more real to Dragon that day. Although his family moved to a distant city, one day in Heaven, I’ll see a Dragon!
Beautiful touching story. Thanks for sharing.