by Elaine Colsten
Munster, IN
On Christmas Day, many families spend most of the day just “wallering” in all the strewn gift wrap, empty gift boxes, misplaced gift tags, toys (with the pieces scattered never to be found again!) and eating, eating, eating, eating—not only the food leftovers, but all the candies, cookies, fudge, and other sweets.As a young couple, we made a plan that would get us out of our “holiday house” for a little while on Christmas Day and share the excess of our goodies with others.After our two children, Keren (“K.K”) and Jeff, were old enough to walk and carry a goodie box, they helped us take a bit of time each Christmas Day to throw away the trash, organize the gifts, and then prepare three or four paper plates of assorted goodies.We then got in the car and went to a few homes of shut-ins, brought them each a bit of Christmas joy, and then returned to our home refreshed and thankful for our health, family, and the Lord’s many blessings!

“Divorce Hurts, Be a Godly Encourager” by Cheryl R. Jones $7.00
This book does not focus on divorce, but rather gives Biblical principles on how to help those who are hurting from divorce. This book will help them renew their fellowship with God and focus on serving. (Click on the image for more information.)
The Maxwell family in our church has had a tradition since their Mark and Sharon were young children.I do not know how they accomplished all this, but in an assembly-line style, they managed to bake quite a few apple pies AND then deliver them (freshly baked!) to several homes during Christmas morning! I do know that we Colstens have been the recipients of their “delicious gesture” for many years! I think now they do this for a larger number of people, and therefore, they bake and deliver some on Christmas Eve and then do the rest on Christmas Day.How unselfish!
Why don’t you and your family start some traditions this year!