by Doris Smith
“…and be ye content with such things as ye have.” (Hebrews 13:5b)
I have many major things or big things in my life for which to be thankful. But what about the small things that add the frosting to our everyday life? Let me list a few of my favorites.

“Pause, Peaceful Moments with God” Devotional by Sharon Rabon $10.00 (Click on the image for more information.)
I am thankful that:
- I live east of my work. I don’t have to drive into the sun in my travels to work or home.
- I have a parking place close to my building. I don’t have to park and then take other transportation to work or walk very far.
- I don’t have to contend with smoke nor smokers at home or at work.
- I have a laundry room where I can keep my ironing board up all of the time.
- I usually have the strength to get up to go to work.
- I don’t have to hear cussing or dirty stories at home or at work.
- I get to work with children and adults.
- I live in an urban area. However, we can be in the country in minutes and in the middle of sand dunes and water in a few more minutes.

“Job’s Wife, the Untold Story of a Woman Caught in Life’s Adversity” by Ruth Ellen Zuber (Click on the Image for More Information.)
Maybe none of these are blessings in your life, but you might be able to use them as a springboard to help you think of the “little” blessings in your life. Yours might just be a direct opposite of mine. It seems that it is just a matter of being content with what the Lord has given us.