About Christian Womanhood
Christian Womanhood is a monthly christian ladies magazine. Started in 1972 by Mrs. Marlene Evans, our purpose is to help women with their life relationships.
Simple Ways to Connect with God Starting Today Part 4
by Molly Audiss Does it amaze you that the God of the Universe wants to spend 1-on-1 time with you? It astounds me! What an honor. If you could meet with a king or [...]
Simple Ways to Connect with God Starting Today Part 3
by Molly Audiss Have you ever had your child come up to you and excitedly say, “Mom, you told me to ——(whatever advice you had given)——, and you were right!” Then they relay how [...]
Simple Ways to Connect with God Starting Today Part 2
by Molly Audiss What is the most common suggestion I give when I discuss prayer? It’s simply this-pray a lot of yeses. What does that mean? Let me explain. As we gain a lifestyle [...]
Simple Ways to Connect with God, Starting Today
By Molly Audiss I Thess. 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.” As my Sunday school girls will tell you, my favorite topic to discuss is Prayer. Nothing in my life has been as transformative as connecting with [...]
All Things Work Together for Good
by Frieda Cowling “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) My husband and I [...]
A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush
by Debi Young I love old-fashioned sayings because they are usually concise and full of common sense. My paternal grandmother always had some country adage for just about any situation. Some weren’t words of [...]
Christian Womanhood is a ministry of Round Up Ministries.
Check out our website as well as another ministry, Cowboy Carnivals for Christ, which has attractions that are setup for churches to have big days for community outreach.