The Point
“The Love in the Sabbath”
Do you resist other people telling you what to do? That used to be me! At times I still struggle with that. I love my independence, and I love making my own plans! But as I’ve gotten older, I feel loved and secure and cared for when others help me schedule my life and make plans for me. God, as a loving Heavenly Father, Who knows us, inside and out, makes plans for us. Let’s discuss this topic today.
“Politics and Taxes”
How does God feel about wars, politics, taxes, laws, etc.? Thankfully, Jesus did give His opinions on these things when He was on Earth. This shows us that He is wanting to help us and give us wisdom when we feel nervous about world events. When things look scary or uncertain, we have a place to run to!
“The 2nd Mile is Where the Joy Is”
Allow me to share with you today on this audio the five-part plan that was given to me by my college mentor, Mrs. Marlene Evans. We will look at the way Jesus instructed us to think about our service for Him. We can show our love for Christ through the attitude we possess while we serve others. I’m excited about this truth; I hope you’ll join me today.
“God is Smiling, Singing, and Full of Joy-Over You!”
Is it hard for you to picture God as smiling, joyful, and singing? Well, you don’t have to believe me, it’s right in the Bible! I want to encourage you today from God‘s Word with how very very very much you are loved! You make God smile, and sing!
“Heart Check”
It’s Heart Week- Valentines! Today I went to delve into a very accurate gauge of where our heart toward the Lord. There is a true litmus test we can give ourselves to see very clearly if our heart is warm toward Jesus, or if it is getting a little cold toward the things of God. I encourage you to use this heart check on yourself this week.
Jesus gives us great news! I want to discuss a wonderful, encouraging topic with you today. Let’s take a look at a story recorded in Matthew, Mark, and in Luke- Jesus casting demons into a herd of swine. I see 4 things in this story that can affect how TODAY goes for us. Hope you’ll join me!
“Who is God, Really?”
I was challenged, not too long ago, to read the Bible, the entire Bible, seeking to know who God is and how He thinks about everything. Instead of coming to Scripture, simply looking for answers for my own life, my own day, my own trials- or- putting God’s Word into the context of 21st century American life- instead, reading it to understand God more. Period. This has been very life-changing for me and I’d like to discuss this topic with you today.
“Benefits of Being His Child: He Always Tell the Truth”
Do you sometimes feel that no one tells the truth anymore? I know that seems cynical, but in the current political scene -polls show that most people don’t trust anything politicians say anymore. That’s unfortunate. Sometimes we may feel that everyone lies to us. This is an exaggeration, of course! But it may feel that way. A huge benefit of having God is our heavenly father is that he never lies! Every word He says in the Bible is true. He keeps His promises! Jesus calls Himself The Truth, and we can always rely on Him!
“Benefits of Being His Child: He is Our Avenger”
I don’t know what hurt you carry, but God does. He knows exactly who hurt you and when. He promises us that, as our Father, he will avenge, and He will repay. We don’t have to carry around that pain and hurt bitterness and frustration with us for our entire lifetime. We can’t, or it will destroy us. But we have a heavenly Farher that promises that He knows, and He will make things right. We can trust Him with our pain.
“Christmas Love Part 4: By THIS Shall All Men Know”
We have spoken the last couple weeks about gifts that we can give Jesus for Christmas. This week, Christmas week, I want to share one last idea. This is that big gift -the one you wait until last to give your kids. The one you have saved for all year. The MOST expensive gift. This gift is not easy, and for that reason, this gift means the most. Merry Christmas friends!
“Christmas Love Part 3: Another Gift for Jesus”
As we get closer to Christmas, I’m thinking again of gifts we can give the Lord. It’s not easy to shop for the One Who has everything! Spend five minutes with me today. I’d love to give you another suggestion from the Bible of something God loves. This gift is expensive but worth it.
“Christmas Love Part 2: The Gift of Praising God in Hard Times”
What do you give the One Who has everything? I’m speaking of God. What can we give Him this Christmas that He doesn’t already own? I have a suggestion, from the Bible, of a gift that He is sure to treasure…..but we can only give this gift at certain times of our life.
“Christmas Love Part 1: Keep Praying!”
It’s Christmastime! I would like to take the next few weeks of December and share some encouragement with you. I want to encourage you today to keep praying, no matter how bleak the circumstance in your life appears! We’ll look at part of the Christmas story and see that miraculous things happen during the darkest times.
“Benefits of Being His Child: Loved Exactly as We Are”
Here is some good news for all of the people-pleasers, overthinkers, and self-haters. Our Heavenly Father is omnipresent, and right now He sees us as perfect and sitting with Him in heavenly places! He knows the end from the beginning, and He doesn’t see you with all of the faults and flaws and frustrations you have with yourself. He sees you as justified and with the righteousness of His Son, Jesus and seated with Him in heaven. What a benefit of Having Him as our Father!
“Benefits of Being His Child: Telling Him Everything”
Do you have that friend who you can tell everything? You can vent to? You can tell secrets? We have that in our Heavenly Father! He wants to know ALL of how we feel, every single day. We do not have to pray ‘correctly.’ We just need to come as we are and cast all our burdens on Him. What a benefit we have as His child!
“Benefits of Being His Child: Being Known”
There are so many benefits to being a child of God, a Christian, a daughter of the King! These benefits are ours whether or not we know them, whether or not we understand them, and whether or not we remember them. Think of it like having the best of the best smart phone. You may only understand 10-15% of all of the things your phone can do, but that does not make it, less advanced. Let’s spend a few weeks looking over some of the benefits we have as a Christian, in order to take full advantage of all of that God offers to us as His child. It’s so encouraging!
“Feel Invisible? Congratulations!”
Do you ever feel invisible? That is a very common feeling. You are not alone in that feeling. But I would love to encourage you today; it is not such a bad thing! If you’ll share the next 10 minutes with me, I’d love to express a new perspective on feeling invisible and all the benefits we could find in that role.
“Fair Square”
Do you have the mentality that everything should be fair? Justice for all! Even-Steven! I tend to have that feeling very strong in my personality. The trouble is- life doesn’t work that way. People don’t work that way; and the longer we keep pushing for ‘fair,’ the longer we’ll keep getting disappointed. Let’s discuss a better plan today- Grace and Mercy.
“Are You Afraid to Praise?”
Is it hard to say nice things to others? Does it feel awkward or insincere to compliment people? This is a common feeling, and one we must push past and overcome! If you had a childhood devoid of praise, and you are currently living a life without anyone around you speaking encouraging words to you and each other- may I speak to you today? YOU have the opportunity to change the lives of those you love AND your own life by learning how to give LIFE through your words. You can build up those you love to their fullest potential. It can start with you, and it can begin this week.
“What’s The Plan?”
Why do some people seem so effortlessly successful? Maybe naturally thin or their house always seems clean and they’re never worried about it. Possibly they make all this healthy homemade food and it doesn’t even seem to be a chore. Maybe their hair and makeup always looks great or they have the best clothes. maybe they have this amazing walk with God that just seems seems unreachable. Let’s talk about that today. Chances are, in three months, you may be a lot closer than you think with a plan.
“Take ALL Your Cares to Him”
This audio is 5 1/2 minutes of nothing but pure encouragement for you! Prayer- my favorite topic. Today is your reminder that you can boldly take ALL your burdens, cares, emotions, pet peeves, feelings, opinions, tears, sorrows, joys, and questions to the Lord. All of it, all the time! He can handle it. He wants to hear from you. Jesus has made a way for us to go directly to God- let’s take full advantage of this wonderful offer! The Heavenly Father WANTS to hear from you today.
“The Power of a Question”
Let’s talk today about building relationships. I recently read a the findings of a survey about couples that stay happy together for the long-term. It is a very interesting thing they do. Even MORE interested, it is something the God show us in the Bible that He does with man!
“Seasons of Overwhelm”
If you are feeling, restless, anxious, nervous, or depressed, there are a few things you should do right away. So many things in life, we cannot control, but we CAN control what comes into our ears, and eyes through our phones , TVs, computers, and radios. Sometimes we must start block out the high-speed amount of knowledge that is pouring into our minds each day through reels, tick-tocs, shorts, and podcasts….even books! There are times to set those things aside, when that huge dump of information steals our peace. At certain times, all we should to come into our brains is the Word of God.
“Get Good at Receiving God’s Love”
It’s sometimes easier to give good things (gifts, compliments, good deeds, etc.) to others than it is to receive them, ourselves. If we become aware of how much the Lord is showing us His personal love each and every day, and usually through OTHERS, we can begin to accept all good and kind deeds as gifts from Him. Let’s strive to become grateful receivers.
“What Your Boss Truly Wants”
Yet again I saw something new in my Bible reading today! Moses is the man to look at for leadership AND followship principles. What an amazing leader, yet the way he meekly followed is the true amazement! Let’s look at how we can be better followers by his example in Numbers 27.
“Good News for the People Pleasers”
Are you a people pleaser? If we’re honest, most all of us can say yes to that, at least to some degree. I’d like to give you some very encouraging thoughts today. Possibly this mindset will help you to stop blaming yourself, or feeling shame or guilt. We simply need to ask ourselves- “Why,” the motive for what we do. If God is first place, we need not spend too much time overthinking who has second and third place. I hope this audio will be an inspiration and encouragement to all my fellow people pleasers!
“I Never Saw It Was THIS Important!”
I’m stunned. Most of my life I have heard (and taught) about the importance of our words….but just HOW important….it never dawned on me until I read through the book of Job this month. Join me for the most important 8 minutes I’ve ever given on this subject.
“Let’s Talk About Those Resolutions Part 1”
Did you make New Years Resolutions? How is it going? I’d like to discuss the ‘failure’ of a goal and how it can be our best friend. What? Failure a friend? Yes! I hope to encourage you today. Join me for a few minutes as we discuss what to do when we miss our own expectations for ourselves.
“Put On Your Seatbelt Already!”
Yet another ‘Molly’ story to start off your week with a laugh. Some of you may identify with what happened to me last weekend. I hope you’ll share 6 minutes with me, as I recall an illustration of how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Have a great week, Friends!
“Giving the Gift of JOY (Jesus, Others, You) Part 3”
Hope you had a Merry Christmas! We are wrapping up (pun intended?) our series on giving the gift of Joy! This week, let’s talk about a super-practical thing we can do for ourselves that will help us in BIG ways on this holiday. God bless you, Friends! Love you❤️?
“The God Who Stays”
If you have trust issues from events in your past, or if you are simply human, and therefore, tend to lack trust in others- May I point you to a loyal, faithful, loving Father? He will never leave. He is the God Who Stays! I want that level of commitment in my own life toward others! I hope you’ll be encouraged with today’s 5-minute message.
“The Fastest Way to Check Your Heart”
Have you ever had a day when you wake up and your mind is already starting in with the negative thoughts? It seems that negative thoughts are closing in on you more and more , making you feel stuck. We all experience this. Unchecked, this ultimately leads to a day filled with negative actions and words and deeds and regrets. There are ways to battle this. Let’s discuss combating the negative thoughts that sometimes
seem to overwhelm us.
“Ending a Dry Spell with the Lord”
We all have times when we go through dry spells spiritually. God does not feel near. Possibly we even start to doubt some of the core beliefs that we have. I want to talk about that today and encourage you! There’s a way that we see in scripture that people who had been apart from the Lord for a while found him again and recognized Jesus.